4 Artworks – Natalie Rusinova


I get inspired by natural phenomena and, having guided through the prism of my imagination, I capture them on canvas with the help of oil paints, endowing with unreal, magical properties.
I’m working on a project now called “The sky speaks”. This is a series of emotional expressive landscapes that reinterpret celestial effects. They appear as symbols of feelings, ideas, events. The semi-abstract approach was not chosen randomly. I want the viewer to be not an ordinary observer, but a participant in the action. He tries to turn on his imagination and fantasy, to remember some images and associations from his life. The viewer, in a sense, is the creator himself.

ephemerality of nature, oil on canvas
Inspiration , oil on canvas
Red Earth, oil on canvas
Prophecies 40x60 sm

An expressionist artist from Russia, Natalie Rusinova draws colorful landscapes depicting emotions and impressions. In her work, she pays special attention to the versatility of color, contrast and bright accents. Participant in international competitions and exhibitions.

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