4 Photography – Gaby Bedetti
“Communion” challenges the notion of pandemic-driven isolation. At various times of day and in different weather conditions, walks connect the observer with the observed. Animals and birds pause to observe the watcher for a moment of intimacy. The wind becomes a familiar. What seems small is magnified. Like ukiyo-e painting or a William Carlos Williams poem, the “Communion” series invites the viewer to live in the moment of the frame. Communing with the elements and other sentient beings develops empathy and a feeling of being part of “the floating world.” Shot in Lexington, KY, with a Canon PowerShot SX130 IS.
Gaby Bedetti is a professor of English at Eastern Kentucky University. Her poems, photos, and translations have appeared in Cold Mountain Review, Typehouse, and New Delta Review. She is assembling a co-translation of the selected poems of Henri Meschonnic.