recipe for the ones who forgot how to love – Maria S. Picone

you’ll need three measuring cups, two teaspoons sugar, 
strong dark rum, an old car battery; 
hook jumper cables to a whole heart
of palm, add enough salt to debride the rift of 
galaxies which would otherwise bleed out 
on forgotten shores. lasso a nebula; pull until
you can sever organs, one for each cup: lungs, liver, spleen.
you won’t need an appendix of your
hurts. pour out sugar, rum—seasoned
knowledge is bittersweet.

Maria S. Picone (she/her/hers) often writes about social justice and identity. Her writing has been published in Kissing Dynamite, Ligeia, and Q/A Poetry. She received an MFA in fiction from Goddard College and holds degrees in philosophy and political science. Her website is, her Twitter @mspicone.

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