i hold a photograph of my mother 3 months pregnant, 1970 – Renée M. Sgroi

hold my self
a little			,

human chorionic gonadotropin
hidden in the bump

of her blue shift dress
a little

in the Kodachrome 

of nutrients sewed	
at an angle

of portable backlight and
attachable flash
Renée M. Sgroi

Renée M. Sgroi is the author of life print, in points (erbacce-press, 2020), and editor of Written Tenfold (Poetry Friendly Press, 2018). Her work is published in Pinhole Poetry, The Windsor Review, The /tƐmz/ Review, Poetry Pause and numerous anthologies. Her second poetry collection is due out in 2024. https://reneemsgroi.com

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