Postmortem – Patty Ware
After Lucie Brock-Broido Why is family such a fuzzy word. Who said seven was a lucky number. Has he ever answered your phone calls. Is it possible there was trauma. Did I imagine we grew up together. Does God play any role here. Which military base do you remember best. Did only the girls go to Catholic schools. Can you pinpoint when our house began its decline. Do you ever use the term half-brother. What year did we travel to the Philippines. Did you know his father died too. Have you ever swabbed your DNA. Why is she certain she doesn’t need therapy. Did you hate being one of the three little ones. Is there a nightmare that plagues you. Which singer made mom swoon. What happens after we die. Did dad ever bring you to the bar with him. When was the last time you went to Mass. Does holding on to past wrongs cause cancer. Can you confirm that we are fixable. How many should I set the table for. What color have you painted your grief. Do you think he was abused by that priest. Is it safe to vape while wearing a canula. Have you ever met vulnerable. When was the last time we all danced. Is obligatory serenity a new therapy technique. In what season did mom last try to end it all. Please share your fondest memory of our childhood. How old were you when you got your first library card. Without peeking, what year did dad die. Can you name our family theme song. How good are your acting skills. True or False: Family is a sacred chalice or a dark room with black wire across the windows.

Patty Ware is a fanatical believer in the power of practicing gratitude, and is convinced the best part of each day is the quiet solitude of early morning. She lives in the rainforest of Juneau, Alaska. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Literary Mama, Gyroscope Review, and Cirque.